Finally have a secure shopping cart!

I have had a site up for years.  When I first started selling my art, I even tried buying a green Https SSL certificate.  They required me to buy a business license from my city which I did paying an extra $50 and even after that I could not get approval after months!

I have tried buying SSL certificates and my site still shows as insecure, even when redirecting the browsers in Cpanel to https.
Well I tried buying a new hosting account with and got them to install comodo ssl.  It was part of a bundle plan.  Again it still did not work properly.  So I set the redirect to and doing that seemed to help!
Then it said only my images are not secure, but my shopping cart is!  Finally I have a secure shopping cart.  You can access the secure shopping cart here;
I will be updating my sites to redirect to the secure shopping cart.
Hopefully it increases sales!

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