Toronto cannot handle influx of immigrants

Breaking! MacLeod Sends Formal Letter Asking Trudeau For $200M

All the illegal aliens fleeing the USA, is causing havoc on Toronto, Canada.  They should send them home, but our federal communistic government won’t.
One of the youtube comments reads “The carbon tax was designed by liberals to pay for illegal migrants the brainchild George Soros is behind it along with the rest of the Federal Reserve Bank.  

Hungary Introduces ‘Stop Soros’ Law

Published on Jun 6, 2018
It looks like the flood of immigrants which has been sinking countries will stop.  At least in Hungary.  Globalization is taking another step back.  The NWO will be harder to implement if more countries take back their sovereignty.

You can’t get more red-pilled than Hungary

UN ‘running out of cash’, urges members to pay up

Published on Jul 28, 2018
The UN running out of cash is good news!  The New World Order (NWO) is showing signs of weakness.  If the UN crumbles, it gives me more time to spread the word of Ahayah and Yasha.
Just read the comments on Youtube, people are generally happy of the financial problems of the UN.  The UN is built upon land of the Rothschild.  This is the same group that created a carbon climate exchange.

Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) and the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE) – both financed by Rothschild: “CCX selected Rothschild Inc., an affiliate of the prestigious London-based bank N. M. Rothschild & Sons Limited, to provide investment banking services .” Climate Exchange Plc (CLE) is listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.


Each year the United States gives approximately $8 billion in mandatory payments and voluntary contributions to the United Nations and its affiliated organizations. The biggest portion of this money – about $3 billion this year – goes to the U.N.’s regular and peacekeeping budgets.Jun 16, 2015

Canada gov’t to take kids from Christian homes

My wife left the day my daughter was born, but I hope someday to see Elayna (Ahlayna).  The Liberal Federal government is working to destroy scripture believing families further.  

Trudeau carbon tax cost to Canadians

Three provinces — Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia — will be hit with more than $1,000 of carbon tax per year to comply with the $50-per-tonne carbon tax Ottawa has mandated for 2022. Nova Scotia ($1,120) and Alberta ($1,111) will have the highest bills, followed by Saskatchewan ($1,032), New Brunswick ($963), Newfoundland ($859) and Prince Edward Island ($788). The average household in Ontario will pay $707 a year to comply with the carbon tax once its fully implemented.

Carbon 666 Tax thrown out of court, would cost +$1000/yr

The carbon tax has been thrown out of court in San Francisco and Oakland California.

‘All of us benefited’: Judge throws out climate suits against Big Oil

This is good news because it starts setting a legal precident, that you cannot institute a carbon 666 tax through the court system.
On another development, a carbon 666 tax in Saskatchewan would cost more then $1000 a year for the average person

Saskatchewan economy could be hit hard by federal carbon tax: Study

I’m glad our province did not institute a carbon 666 tax.  We all know that in the bible evil will create a one world government, but we don’t have to follow along and make it easy for them.  Ahayah controls the weather, not man and a carbon tax will do nothing to changing the weather.  The amount of carbon on the planet is a constant due to the law of the conservation of mass.

French Olivetan Bible 1535 arrived today

Well the 1535 Olivetan Bible finally arrived today;

It came in two books, softcover and a facsimile reproduction of the original Olivetan.  I’m quite pleased that it contains the whole Bible including the Apocrypha.  Text is crisp and sharp, the only problem is its an olde style gothic font, which is harder to read.  I wish a scanner could OCR it, but the text would not come out as OCR is designed for Roman type fonts.
After buying the book, I came across two french king James bibles;
Édition 2007, révisée par M.J. leDuc

King James Française, which has a copyright 2007

I went ahead and bought a KJF of the New Testament and it should be arriving soon.  The Old testament is not available in print, but it is available online.  
It would be a big project making a french Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures, but this material and the Olivetan would be the base, as they follow the Textus Receptus.
I still have the Aleph Tav’s to add to the english YASAT not to mention the need to add the Apocrypha and books of Enoch, Jubilees etc.  So much work so little time.

Canada approves compensation for Soddom & Gomorrah

Its official the Federal court has approved money for compensation for abominable relations.  Our country and its laws are falling apart.

Here they are flying the Noahic covenant rainbow flag to celebrate abominable things.  The seven laws of Noah are as follows;
  1. Not to worship idols.
  2. Not to curse God.
  3. To establish courts of justice.
  4. Not to commit murder.
  5. Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality.
  6. Not to steal.
  7. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal.
The 5th point covers the sexual immorality of these abominable acts.  The rainbow is the unofficial symbol of Noahidism, recalling the rainbow that appeared to Noah after the Great Flood of the Bible.

Canada does not follow law of Bible

Law societies can deny accreditation to Christian university: Supreme Court

Trinity Western University, a private post-secondary institution in Langley, B.C., was founded on evangelical Christian principles and requires students to adhere to a covenant allowing sexual intimacy only between a married man and woman.

In a pair of keenly anticipated decisions Friday, the high court said law societies in Ontario and British Columbia were entitled to ensure equal access to the bar, support diversity and prevent harm to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer students.

Law societies overseeing the profession in Ontario and British Columbia say they would not license graduates from Trinity Western because the covenant amounts to discrimination against LGBTQ people.
So while the courts also throw out cases where a parent shows scriptural reasons why the dad should be able to see his own daughter.  The Supreme Law of the land is clearly showing that the Creators Torah law no longer applies.

Sodom and Gomorrah is what is legal in the land, that and single parents.

Carbon Tax is a tax on a tax

Pierre Poilievre explains how the carbon tax is illegal.

Press Conference:The Carbon Tax Cover Up

The Liberal government has calculated the cost of the carbon tax-but refuses to release the cost to Canadians.
Ontario and Saskatchewan want out of the Carbon Tax and other provinces likely will join, in getting rid of this illegal tax.

I believe that the carbon 666 tax will be used for a One world government. Carbon dioxide is plant food. No carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, plants die, oxygen levels fall and all life on the planet dies.

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