Socialist Ontario’s Operating Expenses Grew 55% In 15 Years, Audit Finds

The Liberals and their carbon tax and socialist plans are the demise of hard working scripture believing taxpayers.

Canada joins multilateral move to send Venezuelan government to International Criminal Court


Access to Information Denied in Venezuela

Denying Crisis, Government Keeps Venezuelans in the Dark


United States will not participate in the U.N.’s new global compact on migration


09/25/2018 12:33 EDT

Later in the speech, the president launched into his anti-immigration views, saying illegal immigration “has produced a vicious cycle of crime, violence and poverty.” He added that the United States will not participate in the U.N.’s new global compact on migration, which the world body said would “develop a global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration.”

The NWO has increased immigration, crime and violence, its good to see Trump pull out of the UN on this endeavour.  Immigration is collapsing hard working countries, by bloating the welfare state.

2 Thessalonians 3:10For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

Socialism teaches that you can get something for free.  It is free as long as there is other peoples money you can fleece.  Once that dries up you end up with a Venezuela, utter poverty! 

Trump rejects globalism, emphasizes ‘America First’ at UN…,-boasting-of-America’s-go-it-alone-might

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — President Donald Trump poured scorn on the “ideology of globalism” and heaped praise on his own administration’s achievements Tuesday in a speech to the U.N. General Assembly that drew headshakes and even mocking laughter from his audience of fellow world leaders.

“The U.S. will not tell you how to live and work or worship,” Trump said as he unapologetically promoted his “America First” agenda. “We only ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.”

Here is the full speech


This is good news in slowing the NWO and a more friendly environment for spreading the word of Ahayah and Yasha.

La Biblia Del Oso Cassiodoro De Reina 1569 Finished!

It has taken me 3 weeks of steady work just to copy and format the text of the Spanish Bear Bible, but I am now done!  It is time to send it to the printers to make a hardcover and softcover book.  From there Yohanan can make the Spanish Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures.

MASSIVE European Banking Scandal & The Cashless Society AGENDA!

Denmark to ban 500 euro notes after money laundering scandal

9 September 2018
Its a move to a cashless society which will lead to the mark of the beast.

China shuts 4,000 websites & online accounts for religious proselytising

22 Sep 2018 01:50PM

This is also what is starting to happen in the USA as well.  I am almost done formatting the base Spanish text that will be used for the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures, for Yohanan to do.  We need to get the Word out ASAP, to reach as many people as possible.

China has its own GPS system for world war

How China’s GPS ‘rival’ Beidou is plotting to go global
By Pratik Jakhar BBC Monitoring
20 September 2018

By 2020 China will have global coverage of the Earth.  It will allow China to hit any country with pinpoint accuracy in a military war.  
That or their 666 social credit system with their cameras installed everywhere monitoring you and grading you.  Satan wants to know everything about everybody.

Sask. politicians unconvinced by report that says carbon tax could be beneficial

Creeden Martell · CBC News · Posted: Sep 21, 2018 10:09 AM CT | Last Updated: 4 hours ago

The amount of carbon on the planet is a constant due to the Law of the Conservation of Mass.  Carbon is a RARE life bearing element at only 0.08% mass of the planet, while human life requires 18% by mass carbon!  Oxygen is 49.2%, there is no way that CO2 can become dominant when Oxygen is a dominant molecule.  Humans are 18 to 23% carbon.  All life forms require carbon, our expelled breath CO2 or carbon dioxide plants need to breathe to survive.
TABLE 3.3 Distribution of elements in the Earth’s crust, oceans, and atmosphere

PayPal banning bible believing conservatives from using PayPal

Alex Jones Banned from using PayPal.

46 days till the midterm elections, and the globalists are banning bible believing conservatives from using PayPal.  Basically doing their best to destroy free speech as it costs money to run a news site.

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